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How to deploy a SvelteKit website to GitHub pages

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Justin Ahinon

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SvelteKit version: 1.5.0

GitHub repo:

Aside from being great for building complex web apps, SvelteKit can also be used (and actually works great) for building static websites . This is a guide on how to deploy a SvelteKit website to GitHub pages.

Create a new SvelteKit project

The first step is of course to create a new SvelteKit project. You can do this by running the following command:

code loading...

Next, we need to install the dependencies and run the app to make sure everything is working as expected:

code loading...

Use the SvelteKit static adapter

Since GitHub Pages is a static website hosting, we need to use the SvelteKit static adapter. To do this, we need to install the adapter:

code loading...

And then, in the  svelte.config.js  file, we need to replace  @sveltejs/adapter-auto  with  @sveltejs/adapter-static . Our configuration will look like this:

code loading...

Set the base path

By default, the SvelteKit static adapter will generate the website in the root of the  build  folder. However, GitHub Pages will serve the website from a subfolder. To fix this, we need to set the  paths. base  property in the  svelte.config.js  file.

The base path should be the name of the repository. For example, if the repository is  sveltekit-github-pages , the base path should be  /sveltekit-github-pages . Our configuration will look like this:

code loading...

On top of that, the relative links in the project should be prefixed with the base path. For example, if we have a link to the  about  page, we should use  /sveltekit-github-pages/about  instead of  /about .

Here is what this looks like in a Svelte component:

code loading...

This will prevent getting a 404 error when navigating to a page directly.

Bypassing Jekyll

By default, GitHub Pages will try to build the website using Jekyll. However, we don't want this to happen since we are building the website using SvelteKit. To bypass Jekyll, we need to create a  .nojekyll  file in the  static  folder. This will tell GitHub Pages to not use Jekyll.

See for more information about this.

Deploy to GitHub Pages

Now that everything is set up, we can deploy the website to GitHub Pages. After pushing the repository to GitHub, we need to set the publishing source for the website on Pages . Ideally, the source should be a separate branch on the repository. For example, we can create a  gh-pages  branch and set it as the publishing source.

Go to the repository settings, then to the Pages tab. Select the  gh-pages  branch as the publishing source and click on  Save .

GitHub Pages publishing source setting

The most straightforward way to deploy the website is to just build the website locally by running  pnpm build  , and copying the content of the  build  folder to the  gh-pages  branch. Every time a commit is made to the  gh-pages  branch, GitHub Pages will automatically deploy the new version of the website.

Other deployment options

Using the  gh-pages  npm package

Instead of manually copying the content of the  build  folder to the  gh-pages  branch, we can use the  gh-pages  npm package to automate this process. To do this, we need to install the package:

code loading...

Then, we need a new script in the  package.json  file to deploy the website:

code loading...

Finally, we can run the script to deploy the website:

code loading...

This will automatically build the website and trigger the deployment to GitHub Pages.

Using GitHub Actions

Instead of deploying the website manually, we can use GitHub Actions to automate the deployment. With a simple workflow, we can trigger a deployment every time a commit is made to the  main  branch.

Checkout this page for more information about this.