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Understanding environment variables in SvelteKit

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Justin Ahinon

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SvelteKit version: 1.5.0

Environment variables are probably one of the most used features in NodeJS applications. They allow storing of sensitive information such as API keys, database credentials, and other information that should not be stored in the codebase.

SvelteKit has very great first-class support for environment variables. From type checking to server/client-side access, the meta-framework makes accessing and consuming environment variables very easy.

Accessing environment variables in a Node.js application

The most straightforward way to access environment variables in a Node.js application is to prefix the execution command with the environment variable. For example, to set the environment variable  NODE_ENV  to  production , you can run the following command:

code loading...

assumes that the index.js file is the application's entry point.

This method can quickly become tedious to scale when you have multiple variables to set. That’s why Node.js provides the  process.env  global variable that’s injected at runtime.  process.env  can be used to access environment variables present on the system where the application is running and set in the application itself.

code loading...

code loading...

This will print the  PATH  environment variable to the console.

Environment variables: the SvelteKit way

At its core, SvelteKit is a Vite plugin that runs the Svelte compiler. That means any SvelteKit application inherits the environment variables features that are provided by Vite.

You can then load and use in almost all the parts of your SvelteKit application the following environment variables:

  • import.meta.env.MODE - The current mode of the application. It can be either development or production.

  • import.meta.env.BASE_URL - The base URL of the application.

  • import.meta.env.PROD - A boolean that indicates whether the application is running in production mode.

  • import.meta.env.DEV - A boolean that indicates whether the application is running in development mode.

  • import.meta.env.SSR - A boolean that indicates whether the application is running in server-side rendering mode.

Also, per default, only environment variables defined in the  .env  file that starts with  PUBLIC_  can be accessed by client-side code by running  import.meta.env.PUBLIC_* . All the other environment variables are only accessible by server-side code.

Note that the  PUBLIC_  prefix is the default, and this configuration can be changed in the  svelte.config.js  file.

Most of the time, you will not need to use the  import.meta.env  global variable directly. This is because SvelteKit comes with some handy features that make it very seamless to use environment variables. With those features, you can access the variables in a type-safe way and clearly separate client and server-side variables. Let’s see how.

Private static environment variables

Static environment variables are loaded by Vite from the  .env  file using  process.env . These variables are likely to be used by the server-side code. Think of database credentials, API keys, and other sensitive information that should not be stored in the codebase.

These variables are statically injected at build time in the code and must not be prefixed with the public prefix for client-side variables ( PUBLIC_  by default).

To load static environment variables, you can create a  .env  file at the root of your project and add the variables you want to load. For example, to load the  DATABASE_URL  environment variable, you can add the following line to the  .env  file:

code loading...

code loading...

“Server-side code” is any code that runs in the  +page.server.js  or  +service.js  files.

Public static environment variables

Public static environment variables work almost the same way as private static environment variables. The only difference is that they are prefixed with the public prefix for client-side variables ( PUBLIC_  by default).

code loading...

code loading...

Private dynamic environment variables

These variables are accessed during runtime. They are dynamic because they can change at runtime and might vary depending on the environment where the application is running.

code loading...

Public dynamic environment variables

They work the same way as private dynamic environment variables but are prefixed with the public prefix for client-side variables ( PUBLIC_  by default).

The documentation for environment variables in SvelteKit can be found here:

TypeScript support

SvelteKit comes with great support for TypeScript. That means that you can use environment variables in a type-safe way. For example, if you have the following environment variable:

code loading...

And you try to call it in your code:

code loading...

you will get a type error because the  APID_KEY  variable is not defined in the  env.d.ts  file (note the “D” at the end of API). To fix this, you can add the following line to the  .svelte-kit/ambient.d.ts  file. This provides a great developer experience and makes it easy to call environment variables properly.

More interestingly, you can not directly use variables imported from private static and private dynamic modules in Svelte components ( .svelte  files), which are client-side.


Environment variables are a great way to configure your application. They are easy to use and provide a great developer experience. SvelteKit makes it even easier to use them and provides great support for TypeScript.

Once you get to know how they work, you will wonder how you could have lived without them.

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P.S. If you have a bigger problem that may need more than 15 minutes, you can also pick my brain for a small fee. 😊 But that’s up to you!


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